Kiara Advani made her Tollywood debut with Mahesh Babu in Bharat ane nenu. She took Tollywood by storm and shot to fame in no time. At present, Kiara Advani is one of the busiest actresses in the industry with many projects in hand. Allu Arjun signed his next film with Trivikram Srinivas. The team is planning to rope her in for the prestigious project.
Allu Arjun waited for several months after the debacle of ‘Naa peru Surya Naa illu India’, to sign his next project. Although he listened to many scripts, he didn’t find them convincing for the current trend. He finally decided to work with Trivikram Srinivas. It is their Third collaboration after the successful film Julai and S/o Satyamurthy. Earlier, Vakkantham Vamsi considered Kiara Advani for the female lead in Naa peru Surya Naa illu India. But it didn’t happen and she made her debut with Bharat ane nenu. Now she got an offer to work with Allu Arjun, and this time under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas. The film is to have a pooja ceremony on Dec 11, and the shooting will start in January.
Kiara Advani is currently busy with films in both Bollywood and Tollywood. She is playing the female lead in Ram Charan – Boyapati Srinu film. She is also acting in a multi-starrer of Bollywood, Kalank, under the direction of Abhishek Varman. The film features a cast of Sanjay Dutt, Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, and Madhuri Dixit apart from Kiara Advani, set in the 1940s during the partition of India. She is also playing the female lead in the Bollywood remake of Arjun Reddy, titled ‘Kabir Singh’. Kiara Advani has several other Bollywood projects in hand. If she signs Allu Arjun – Trivikram Srinivas film, she will ascend to the top position of Tollywood.